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Hermit Road 9:36 Mon Mar 16
March Madness. Help with brackets!
Up until this afternoon I knew what these words meant individually, but put together in a sentence and they look like the ramblings of a madman. That was before emails amongst my Sceptic in-laws starting flying around.

Apparently March Madness is some I'd of college basketball tournament and the brackets is a way of betting on the outcome of every match. Everyone whacks in a $10 (£1.46), and the winner takes all.

Trouble is, although I like most sports I can't take to basketball. My neck's fucked from having a season ticket at West Ham without swivelling it repeatedly up and down a basketball court. On the other hand I love a bet and my lack of knowledge about the Azarbaijan second division doesn't stop me betting on that.

I was going to take a punt based on the names and any connection they might have to Rolling Stones songs, but then I thought I'd ask the good people of WHO.

Anybody got any ideas who could win it?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Sxboy_66 5:59 Tue Mar 17
Re: March Madness. Help with brackets!

OccupyGreenStreet 5:53 Tue Mar 17
Re: March Madness. Help with brackets!
I've caught this a couple of times over in the US for work - takes over the tv and news this time of year.

Seems everybody does a bracket for fun, so on that basis, Final Four = Kentucky, Virginia solid bets, with maybe Wisconsin and - real outside bet here - Georgetown, although Duke or Gonzaga are the biggies in that section.

kylay 2:21 Tue Mar 17
Re: March Madness. Help with brackets!
The odds of anyone higher than a 6-seed making the final four (semis) are virtually nil. It's not even worth doing research beyond this fact. There will be a few upsets in the first 2-3 rounds but if you get those wrong they won't hurt so long as it's not one your final four teams. You pick the final four right and you'll win your pool. Kentucky are heavy favorites at 34 wins 0 losses. Even with that record they are still at evens to win the whole thing.

One last point, college basketball is the easiest of all sports to fix. In my experience, the less you think about the picks, the better you will do. Oh and it might be the most boring sport. something like 12 timeouts for teams plus tv timeouts.


DaveT 12:09 Tue Mar 17
Re: March Madness. Help with brackets!
It is all over the tv here at the moment. Even got a bloke who is called a bracketologist. Thanks, now I know what they mean.

Ronald_antly 11:41 Mon Mar 16
Re: March Madness. Help with brackets!
Is it something to do with the "I'ds of March"?

Hermit Road 11:23 Mon Mar 16
Re: March Madness. Help with brackets!
I'll even put it into hebrew for you if you want?

Scraper 11:10 Mon Mar 16
Re: March Madness. Help with brackets!
(passes gas)

Ronald_antly 10:56 Mon Mar 16
Re: March Madness. Help with brackets!
"Apparently March Madness is some I'd of college basketball tournament ..."

Is there an English translation available for that?

Hermit Road 10:02 Mon Mar 16
Re: March Madness. Help with brackets!

subcutaneous 9:50 Mon Mar 16
Re: March Madness. Help with brackets!
Why are your in-laws sceptical?

You'd feel the same if I was entwined with a relative of yours.

Hermit Road 10:01 Mon Mar 16
Re: March Madness. Help with brackets!
Apparently Miike you do the whole lot in one go so get them wrong at the start and you're out.

Just a few of the top teams should do to keep my interest in for a while.

Takashi Miike 9:50 Mon Mar 16
Re: March Madness. Help with brackets!
hermit, do you want a prediction of every match in the brackets all the way to the final or just the first couple of rounds?

subcutaneous 9:50 Mon Mar 16
Re: March Madness. Help with brackets!
Why are your in-laws sceptical?

Hermit Road 9:49 Mon Mar 16
Re: March Madness. Help with brackets!
It's a lot of games to call too.

jon_snow 9:49 Mon Mar 16
Re: March Madness. Help with brackets!
Kentucky is a huge favorite. Everyone will pick them, so the winner of your contest will be the entry that gets more of the other games right.

Hermit Road 9:43 Mon Mar 16
Re: March Madness. Help with brackets!
Maybe I undervalued the US dollar a little.

Vexed 9:41 Mon Mar 16
Re: March Madness. Help with brackets!
Bizarre. $10 = £1.46?

What you have described is a sweepstake. Or you have described it wrong.

Try again please. D.

Far Cough 9:40 Mon Mar 16
Re: March Madness. Help with brackets!
I was going to say Kentucky

Takashi Miike 9:39 Mon Mar 16
Re: March Madness. Help with brackets!
Kentucky or Gonzaga

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